Submucosal Fibroids

The growth of submucosal fibroid occur just below the endometrium or uterine lining. They may grow big and upset the lining of uterus and may develop a stalk. When the fibroid develop a stalk it is called pedunculated submucosal fibroid.

In very few cases they protrude into the vaginal canal. National Taiwan University Hospital reported a case in which the submucosal fibroid inverted her uterus and blocked her bladder and colon. The blockage was so large that she was given laxatives to clear her bowels and catheter for passing urine.

Submucosal fibroids results into different types of menstrual problems which include heavy flow and bleeding, and bleeding in between periods. These fibroids increase the surface area of uterine lining which results in more collection of blood during the cycle.

In addition, large blood clots may form, and periods may have increased duration, lasting seven days or more. Some pain may be felt due to the movement of the large blood clots through the cervix.

Submucosal Fibroids are foreign material for the uterus which is beneath the endometrium and reacts against it by contracting the uterus. These contraction are not only painful but also end up with severe cramps.

The location of mucosal fibroid inhibit implantation and cause miscarriages which lead to fertility problem. A submucosal fibroid may block the fallopian tube through which the sperm to reach the egg. The finding of Wisconsin Fertility Institute says that submucosal fibroid cause more infertility compared to other kind of fibroids.

Hysteroscopy is one of the popular cure. In this surgical procedure a thin tube and camera is inserted into the uterus. This is more common in European countries like Italy. Rather than waiting the fibroid to grows big and create problem the common remedy suggested by doctors is surgery.

According to a report issued by Tenon Hospital in France, a woman had developed a fever 18 weeks a Uterine Artery Embolization for a 5 cm submucosal fibroid. She complained of pelvic pain as well and unusual vaginal discharge. They discovered a fibroid consisting of dying tissue on examination, which had developed a dense growth of e.coli bacteria. They deduced that Uterine Artery Embolization was extremely dangerous for submucosal fibroids.

Different studies have proved the improved fertility rate after surgery of submucosal fibroids. The RTI International-University of North Carolina says that surgery was done for not only relieving pain but also for fertility problem.

It may look that a hysteroscopy is remedy for fibroid but it involves risk of allergic reaction, infection, bleeding and damage of uterus, bladder or colon. But this is only symptomatic treatment it also posses the danger of growing back of fibroid.

Alternative natural remedies for submucosal fibroids are present. They will not provide overnight results like surgery but are more safer. Natural remedies do not bear risk of side effects, damage of organs , hospitalization, convalescence and chances of infection. These remedies are safe for all age group of women having different types of fibroids. For more information visit